Den ons 5 mars 2025 kl 15:02 skrev Brian Winters <>:
I'm not sure how your program was installed on my personal computer
Our program? And what program is that? I have never officially released a
program of any kind, ever.
but I
would like to uninstall it. I went through the proper procedures yet just
before it was uninstalled an error message popped up stating that I did not
have permission to remove your program
Again, I don't have a program.
About the permission thing, it seems like you are using Windows, and I
don't know anything about Windows, so no clue there.
from my personal computer. It
stated that I had to sign in as an administrator, however I was signed in
as an administrator. I would appreciate it if you would allow me to go
back to MS Office
Nobody is stopping you. Just open MS Office and use the program. Or
re-associate your Office files with MS Office. This is really easy stuff,
still people freak out about it all the time. It's unreal.
I have five different versions of LibreOffice installed and I can choose
which one to use. I don't have MS Office, since it lacks the most important
feature, that is to run natively on Linux. I have LibreOffice and MS Office
both installed on my work computer though, and I can run them both
simultaneously if I want to, so I see no reason why you can't. Maybe you
just didn't try?
since I paid for that program and did not give you
permission to install your software on my personal computer.
I'm pretty sure that no one in this mailing list of LibreOffice users (yes,
mainly users, this is a mailing list of users helping each other out,
nothing more, and it clearly says so where you sign up), ever installed
anything that wasn't asked for on anyone's computer, ever. Are you drunk?
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