I first give an example of a CSV file that I want to import into Libreoffice
The first row contains text labels and the subsequent rows contain
numeric data in scientific (floating point) format.
When I attempt to open this file in LO it first presents a screen
to select options. If I then select the option "Detect Scientific Notation"
the result in LO becomes this:
t Dpsi Dtheta Dphi
0 1.28 -8 130
0.001 -110.555 -7.97843 241.833
0.002 -1004.43 7.70485 1135.7
0.003 -21.239 8.00497 152.518
Everything is formatted correctly, that is the text labels are text and the
numbers are numbers, but the floating point (FP) format has been converted
to a decimal format.
My desire is to keep the original FP format.
If I attempt to load the CSV file again but without selecting the
option "Detect Scientific Notation" the result becomes this:
t Dpsi Dtheta Dphi
0.00000e+00 1.28000e+00 -8.00000e+00 1.30000e+02
1.00000e-03 -1.10555e+02 -7.97843e+00 2.41833e+02
2.00000e-03 -1.00443e+03 7.70485e+00 1.13570e+03
3.00000e-03 -2.12390e+01 8.00497e+00 1.52518e+02
It seems that the FP format is retained but this is not the case.
Everything, including the numeric data, is now formatted as text.
I suspect that because the FP format contains "e+/-" characters the
import filter converts everything into text.
How can I retain the original FP format as numeric and not text?
I don't think that this is possible.
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