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Den sön 2 mars 2025 kl 18:34 skrev Günter Katzor <>:

Hello,is it not possible to simplify the conditional formatting in Libre
Office CALC?The list of pre-defined formatting can be omitted, as it is
rarely used.

Do you mean styles? Rarely used? What do you use instead? There isn't
anything else, is there?
Styles is one of the reasons to use LibreOffice in the first place. It
could be better implemented, though.

It is particularly difficult for beginners to work with conditional
formatting. Changing such conditions always requires new formatting.In all
other respects, the suite is great.

Everything is hard for beginners. You are not supposed to be a beginner all
your life. The problem with beginner friendly software is often that you
can never get any speed.

A real equivalent to MS Office.

I hope not. I use MS Office at work, and it's such a release when I come
home and use LibreOffice again.
Maybe it's not just MS Office's fault, because I have LibreOffice on my job
computer (Windows 11) as well, but it doesn't work nearly as well as it
does at home in Linux, I'm not sure why.

Oh, and the answer to your question is no if you are talking about using
LibreOffice right now and yes if you are referring to filing an enhancement
request to the developers. They usually listen and some times they even

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

Best regards, Günter

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