Hi Leslie,
On 2025-02-08 01:04, LL wrote:
I have been using LibreOffice for a few years, but this past week I have experienced a problem with
LibreOffice v. 25.2. Some of my spreadsheet files' formats changed and wouldn't allow me to correct
and save.
That is, you updated to LO 25.2 (from what?) and immediately experienced a problem with spreadsheet
files? Could you be more specific about the problem details? What OS? Are your spreadsheet files
saved as .ods or some other file format? Were any other than spreadsheet files affected?
... I had to download another program where my spreadsheet files were fine.
What other program did you download? Could you be more specific about what happened, and how
opening your spreadsheet files differed from opening in Calc?
Kind regards,
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