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El jue, 06-02-2025 a las 11:48 -0600, T. R. Valentine escribió:
On Thu, 6 Feb 2025 at 02:07, aguador <> wrote:

As others have commented, that is the British English spelling. The
Document Foundation is based in Germany, and en_UK is the norm for
English translations in Europe.

The 'British English' spelling predominates not only in Europe, but
throughout the English-speaking world. It is the Yanks who are out of
step (as they are in so many things, e.g. measurements). Sadly, too
many of them think their way is the only correct way.

As much as the comment made me smile, it is beside the point. The
Document Foundation is European based and English use derives from the
island that was formerly part of the European community. What other
English speakers do or what "predominates" are essentially irrelevant.
No one's way is "the only correct way". "Correction" depends on

Furthermore, language changes (sometimes consciously, as with Noah
Webster and those US English spellings). As part of the changes, we
have Oxford accepting the "-ize" spelling. A few years back, as I
recall, the Portuguese language academy (not without some
rancour/rancor) accepted some aspects of the Brazilian dialect as part
of "official" Portuguese. Then there are the changes in the Dutch Green
Booklet, now presumably made every 10 years.

While we may infer from the comment that the OP is probably a US
English speaker, there is no reason to assume that he thinks his way is
the only correct one, simply that he was not aware of another, equally
correct, if equally context-dependent, one.


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