Hi Gabriele,
Thanks for the detective work. I never thought of character styles causing such a problem in
paragraphs. I almost never use a character style and certainly not in the problem documents.
Checking with 'Alt. Fine & Replace', it looks to me like the culprit was a cmake instruction which
I copied / pasted from a webpage to avoid typos. Usually in such a case, I paste with Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V
to avoid importing any unwanted characteristics. I must have slipped up on that one.
Again, my apologies for crossed lines with the emails and thanks again for the solution.
On 17/01/2025 15:07, Gabriele Bertolucci wrote:
Hi Philip,
I think I found the key :-)
The noticed behaviour seems related with paragraphs where character
style "Source Text" is applied.
I've selected all text (CTRL-A), then applied character style "No
Chacter Style" with a double click.
At this point, if you apply a paragraph style switch you don't notice
that behaviour.
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