Using LO in UbuntuStudio 24.04.1 LTS
The past couple of days I've been bugged by unexpected changes of font when editing existing
documents. I highlighted a line and double tapped on Heading2 and to my surprise, the heading
displayed as Liberation Mono when the heading should have been Liberation Sans. In another
document, I added a paragraph in my standard 'Body Text' style followed by a line which I wanted
centred so I double tapped my 'textExample' style to apply it. The result was again in Liberation
mono whereas it should have been in Liberation Serif.
When I start a new paragraph from one of these wrong font types, the correct style as specified in
the Organiser tab of the paragraph styles is selected but the font stays at mono instead of Serif.
I have to select all the text concerned, go to the Properties section of the styles side panel to
change from mono to Serif to get rid of mono but the next time I use the same style, it appears as
I double checked the styles in my default template and the documents concerned and they all correctly showed
the font as Liberation Serif (or Sans for the headings). I've never, ever used a Mono font. I checked in
Tools > Options > Writer > Basic fonts and all are correctly set. Is there some deeper setting
where mono could have crept in?
This does not happen with a new document created using my default template. Any ideas?
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- [libreoffice-users] Unwanted mono font in Writer · Philip Jackson
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