On 09/01/2025 23:42, Virgil Arrington wrote:
After nearly 40 years of using Microsoft OS’s as well as a few years of playing with various
flavors of Linux, I recently purchased a MacBook. Don’t ask why; it’s a painful story.
I am running macOS Sonoma 14.7.2.
I installed LO 24.8 from the LibreOffice website and not from the Apple Store.
I am now trying to use Finder (Mac’s file explorer) to find my user profile and templates as I
would like to copy some of my custom templates from my Windows computer over to the MacBook.
According to LO’s preferences (options) under “paths,” my templates are stored in:
Users/(UserName)/Library/Application Support/LibreOffice/4/user/template
However, when I go into Users/(UserName)/ there is no subfolder called “Library.”
Hi Virgil,
I had exactly the same history and experience when I decided to get a portable after working
exclusively on desktops (linux and Windows) for over ten years since I gave up on an old HP
portable. For reasons connected with the family, I decided to go on the dark side and I bought a
MacBook a year ago. I've just upgraded from Sonoma to Sequoia with no apparent ill effects, so far.
Fortunately, my grand-daughter was able to tell me how to get to the personal /library directory -
in the ways other replies have already stated in this thread. It seems it is hidden by default for
the protection of users. I've been hit by several such differences, but mainly they're just
differences and you get used to them. Some are a PITA though. All in all, I'm pleased with how
portables have progressed since I gave up on them - they're lighter and the batteries are greatly
improved but I don't think my next machine will be an Apple.
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