You can access macOS Library from the Finder. To visualize the Library,
open a Finder window and click on the Go menu while pressing the Option
key, as otherwise the Library is hidden from you.
On 09/01/25 23:42, Virgil Arrington wrote:
After nearly 40 years of using Microsoft OS’s as well as a few years of playing with various
flavors of Linux, I recently purchased a MacBook. Don’t ask why; it’s a painful story.
I am running macOS Sonoma 14.7.2.
I installed LO 24.8 from the LibreOffice website and not from the Apple Store.
I am now trying to use Finder (Mac’s file explorer) to find my user profile and templates as I
would like to copy some of my custom templates from my Windows computer over to the MacBook.
According to LO’s preferences (options) under “paths,” my templates are stored in:
Users/(UserName)/Library/Application Support/LibreOffice/4/user/template
However, when I go into Users/(UserName)/ there is no subfolder called “Library.”
I can get to a folder called “Library/Application Support” from the main directory of “MacIntosh
HD” but there is no subfolder called “LibreOffice” in “Library/Application Support”
I assume things must be hidden in Finder, but I can see no setting in Finder to “show hidden files”
as I would see in either Windows or Linux.
Could any of you other Mac users give a complete Mac NOOB some guidance as to how to find my user
profile in Finder?
Italo Vignoli -
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