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Den mån 6 jan. 2025 kl 21:13 skrev Raul Claro <>:

Hello, I  have this one question:

In *expert configuration* I want to change


from "true" to "false", so that I have on the Recent Document List files
from the different modules and not only from one of them.

I have no problems *setting* the configuration to "false". But *I cannot
SAVE that change.*  There is no *button to save*

OK saves your changes. If you can't see it, hitting TAB (⇥) 5 times will
hopefully get you there, at least when I tried it out a minute ago
(however, I can see my buttons):
I searched for ”ShowCurrent”, double clicked the line to change it, then
hit ⇥ 5 times and then ↵. After restarting LibreOffice I could verify that
it works. I don't use your version, though:
Ubuntu Studio 20.04

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

- or if there is one, I
cannot see it or reach it (perhaps it is very low down at the bottom of
the page and I cannot scroll down. I find no way to change adequately
the size of the screen, to check this).

So please: how can I save that change?   I use Devuan (Debian) as OP and

Thank you very much.


Raul Claro


*Anstelle von Google:* Ecosia als Suchportal - denn Ecosia widmet 100%
seiner Profite ökologischen Projekten. Fast 200 Millionen Bäume sind
gepflanzt worden.
Und die Gefahr, ein Monopol zu unterstützen, ist sehr gering.
Versuch' es: / /

*En vez de Google:* Ecosía como buscador - porque 100 % de sus ganancias
van a proyectos ecológicos. Casi 200 millones de árboles han sido ya
Y el peligro de apoyar un monopolio es mínimo.
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