Hi Raul,
Normally you should see five buttons at the bottom of the Expert Configuration dialog box: 'Help'
button at bottom left and 'Edit' 'Reset' 'OK' 'Cancel' at the bottom right. The OK button saves
your changes.
If you don't see those buttons, I regret that I can't explain why.
On 06/01/2025 21:12, Raul Claro wrote:
Hello, I have this one question:
In *expert configuration* I want to change
from "true" to "false", so that I have on the Recent Document List files from the different modules
and not only from one of them.
I have no problems *setting* the configuration to "false". But *I cannot SAVE that change.* There
is no *button to save* - or if there is one, I cannot see it or reach it (perhaps it is very low down at the
bottom of the page and I cannot scroll down. I find no way to change adequately the size of the screen, to
check this).
So please: how can I save that change? I use Devuan (Debian) as OP and LibreOffice
Thank you very much.
Raul Claro
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