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On 2024-11-22 09:49, Byrd, Christian wrote:
I have an issue with a user who is using LibreOffice inside of a EMR system called Epic. Whenever 
the user runs one report, the app throws an error whenever they try to run a second one. The user 
has to completely restart the computer in order to run a second report.
Since this is running within an EMR and not a standalone installation, I'm unsure what the fix is. 
Re-installing the Citrix Workspace program used to access the EMR has had no effect.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated,
Christian Byrd

Who maintains your Epic system? How old is it? - version date? For what function(s) does it use 

A couple years ago our local hospital system and affiliated medical practices (Allegheny Health 
Network) adopted the Epic MyChart EMR system. Though somewhat popular among US medical practices, 
it's not the best EMR system I've seen and is still pretty rough, but has at least worked out the 
basics of report interactions without needing to use LibreOffice or other help. (I'm sure it would 
not have been adopted by AHN had that been needed.) It sounds like your Epic system is pretty old. 
Can you not check with them for help or an update?

Kind regards,

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