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Ah sorry, it says.

LibreOffice 6.0 Document Recovery
Due to an unexpected error, LibreOffice crashed. All the files you were working on will now be 
saved. The next time LibreOffice is launched, your files will be recovered automatically.

Christian Byrd
MS Service Desk Tier 2 Technician I
University of Maryland Medical System
667-233-5510  |<>

A better state of care.
compassion  |  discovery  |  excellence  |  diversity  |  integrity

From: Wade Smart <>
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2024 11:20 AM
To: Byrd, Christian <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Help with LibreOffice crashing

What is the error that is thrown? The attachment you sent is stripped out by the sending system. -- 
Registered Linux User: #480675 Registered Linux Machine: #408606 Linux since June 2005 On Fri, Nov 
22, 2024 at 10: 13 AM Byrd, Christian <Christian. Byrd@ umm. edu>

What is the error that is thrown?

The attachment you sent is stripped out by the sending system.


Registered Linux User: #480675

Registered Linux Machine: #408606

Linux since June 2005

On Fri, Nov 22, 2024 at 10:13 AM Byrd, Christian 
<<>> wrote:

I have an issue with a user who is using LibreOffice inside of a EMR system called Epic. Whenever 
the user runs one report, the app throws an error whenever they try to run a second one. The user 
has to completely restart the computer in order to run a second report.
Since this is running within an EMR and not a standalone installation, I'm unsure what the fix 
is. Re-installing the Citrix Workspace program used to access the EMR has had no effect.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated,
Christian Byrd
MS Service Desk Tier 2 Technician I
University of Maryland Medical System
667-233-5510  |<<>>
A better state of care.
compassion  |  discovery  |  excellence  |  diversity  |  integrity
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