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On 2024-11-19 07:34, Regina Henschel wrote:
Hi Eustace,

Eustace schrieb am 19.11.2024 um 00:06:
Some 25 years ago, I had made some diagrams in WordPerfect 8 Presentations that I have to reuse and update.
Do you want to use the old file? If yes, have you tried to open 
it in LibreOffice? You might try the "WordPerfect Graphics 
(*.wpg)" filter.
  The simplest would be a
semicircle divided into 3 by 2 beams with 3 titles following the curvature of the semicircle. Can I replicate this with LibreOffice Draw?
Yes, you can. LibreOffice has a "Text along path" feature.

Kind regards,
OK, in the webpage

it says:

You need the simple Fontwork tool for this operation, not the one with the gallery.
Then I follow the directions:

1    Go to Tools ▸ Customize ▸ Toolbars
2 Input fontwork into the Search field, with Category All commands
3    In the list of available commands, select Fontwork
4 In the Target dropdown, pick a toolbar you would like the command to appear in
So far so good, Then it says:

5 In the list of assigned commands, select a command to define the location of the Fontwork command
I think this only relates to the position of Fontwork on the 
list. OK. Then:
6    Click the right-pointing arrow Add item to add the Fontwork 
command to the toolbar
So I put Fontwork to the Standard toolbar in Draw. But when I 
click it there, it shows the gallery, not the simple Fpntwork 
tool. How do I get the simple Fontwork tool instead of the Gallery?

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