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On 17 November 2024 03:59:27 UTC, Kelly Denkert  wrote:

Just wanted to make you aware that there is a recurring issue with the Libre Office version of 
Slides/Power Point. I have been using it for the past year to create teaching resources for my 
students and when I get to more than about 30 slides, the program continually locks up. This 
happens on every computer I have downloaded it onto so it is a software issue. What can I do to 
avoid this issue?
a) How much RAM do you have?
b) What Graphics chip do you have?
c) How much Graphics RAM do you have?

d) If you don't have a graphics chip, did you accidently configure LibO to utilise the non-existant 
graphic chip?

e) How complex are the styles?
If your typical slide looks like a Picasso overlaid by a Mondrian, overlaid by the front page on 
the New York Times, stalling out is inevitable.
If your typical slide follows Brian Tracy's recommendations, then the issue is a mis-configuration 
somewhere in the system. Could be OS, could be LibO, could be some other software.


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