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I am running LO on OpenSUSE Leap 156 with LOBase as desktop
client to Mariadb backend on my home network. I wanted to create a new
simple table in LOBase Design View with two columns (logevent as
VARCHAR(100), ID as INT (primary key set)). The ID has AutoValue and
Entry required both = Yes when saving the new table.

However, when reopening the table for editing the AutoValue is
set to NO. Adding a row of text to the new table does not increment the
ID value.

What is going on here?
Is this a consequence of the network connection (using
org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver) from the LOBase desktop client to Mariadb
network backend?
Am I doing something wrong?

I should say that all other tables (already existing before upgrading
to LO version still behave as they should in this respect.


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