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       Thank you; I shall re-install LO now.

From: John Kaufmann <>
Date: Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Please your help with Libreoffice
To: anne-ology <>

Most OS have some kind of store or registry to keep track of application
components and their file attributes. These are usually set by the
installer, and often saved in a log file to assist in
updates/modifications/deletions. Transferring that whole arrangement to a
new computer can be a tricky business, even if you are aware of the issues.
So the preferred approach is to simply *not* copy more complex
applications, and instead reinstall them so the installer can keep things

I'm not familiar with Macs [we lost ours when our youngest daughter to is
to school], so I can't even check how to find and eliminate all LO app
files -- maybe simple, maybe not. But to avoid further complications it
might be best to do so, *then* install.

Your documents will be fine; the only thing lost will be LO's document
history, which will be rebuilt as you begin to use LO on the new Mac.

On 2024-07-10 15:59, anne-ology wrote:

       you're so right; obviously I was wrong, so what do I need do now?

From: John Kaufmann <> <>
Date: Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Please your help with Libreoffice
To: <> <>

So you (or a friend) just copied the LibreOffice files from the old Mac to
the new Mac?

On 2024-07-10 12:59, anne-ology wrote:

        install ??? - it was on the old one, which died due to the


so I figured whatever was there should work on the new one - most did, but

        how do I install or re-install or ??? without losing the files


go with it?

          it's still in its folder, without any executable file to click


so do I need to re-download - if so, how do I get the new one to recognize
the old files? or  ???

        thank you for responding,

           my pre-computer-age mind has a harder & harder time trying to
negotiate these ever-changing machines,

From: John Kaufmann <> <>
Date: Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 12:08 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Please your help with Libreoffice
To: <> <>

On 2024-07-09 20:44, anne-ology wrote:

  ...    Wishing I could help you; but maybe yours is similar to mine -
            I had to get a new Apple, & now when I attempt to open the
LibreOffice, it seems to want to open then 'poof' it is gone.

How did you install LibreOffice? - by transfer from your old Mac or direct
from download?

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