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On 13/06/2024 05:23, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
On 2024/06/13 10:59, Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
Now I am working on this file and make sure, every image gets a name and a description.
However, I remember clearly having given every image a name and save the file (every few minutes) 
in my office,
but when I opened the file at home, ALL these names and descriptions are gone.

Maybe I found the answer.
The file I was working on and save in regular intervals is located on something like Dropbox - so 
that I can access it on my computers at home and in the office.
Images are inserted using Ctrl+F5, retrieving the images from a folder holding all the relevant 
But the image folder is on my local hard drive, whereas the file I am working on is on a "net 
So, maybe the writer file on the netdrive looks for the images, but cannot find them, since they 
are on the HDD.
The images themselves DO display just fine.

Do I need ONE folder containing both the writer file AND the image folder to move around?
What happens when I am finally done and want to store the finished work on my HDDs?

When you insert an image, the dialogue box where you select the image file has a small check box 
(bottom left) marked 'link'. If you want the image to be integrated permanently into your book 
text, this link box should NOT be checked.

If you have linked your images (instead of importing them permanently), you can undo the links using Edit 
> links to external files > break

The advantage of linking comes if the image is subject to future modification. In that case, when 
the image is modified, the document automatically displays the updated image.

In any case, with a major work like a book, it is good practice and saves a lot of possible 
troubles, to keep all the images in a sub-folder of the book project.

hth, Philip
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