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I have recently installed SparkyLinux, based on Debian Stable, and it
came with LibreOffice installed without choice in the default.
The default, however, did not install Zotero, which I absolutely must
have. The distribution's repositories have Zotero 6.0.27, so I
installed it, and later I replaced it with Beta When I launch
Writer I find the Zotero toolbar in View > Toolbars, and it looks
normal, but when I click on it to enter a citation nothing happens; no
error messages, nada. There is also a button for Add/Edit Bibliography,
but it also does nothing.

The installation added a launch entry for Zotero, which brought up my
hundreds of documents, so I guess I haven't lost anything yet. But it
would be really nice if I could use it.

The only literature I can find says that installing Zotero
automatically links it to installed word processors. In my case I must
characterize that as wishful thinking.

Some have said that you must have Java installed. OpenJDK came with
the operating system, and LO finds it, with the 'Use' button checked in
the Advanced window. However, below that is a little place which is
supposed to list the provider of the Java, and it is blank. Furthermore,
if I un-check the 'Use' button, a few minutes later it becomes checked
again, all by itself. Weirdness abounds.

I have Zotero.oxt from a previous LO, so I added it in Tools >
Extensions, but it didn't make any difference. And 'Add Extensions'
produced an Unofficial Zotero add-in, which I also installed, also
without accomplishing anything. The Add Extensions option also offered
the official extension from Zotero, but it doesn't actually download an
.oxt file. I'm not sure what it did, but whatever it did resulted in no

I need my Zotero! Can anyone offer suggestions?

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