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In LibreOffice writer:

To create a list of references,  it was used not the bibliography
mechanism, but cross-references to numbered paragraphs in the list of
I have found that, for unknown reasons, a number of the cross
reference numbers in this list are set to font size 10 instead of the
required 12. My various attempts to change this size do not work.
How can I increase the font size in reference numbers in the

Attached to the mail is a printscreen of a piece of the bibliography
with different font sizes. Numbers [345]-[349] have a font size of 10,
unlike other numbers. Cross-reference numbers inserted in the text
itself, as well as the entire text, are in font size 12.

Attempts that didn't work:

1) Left-click on any of the numbers, highlighting the entire field of
numbers - and change the size from 10 to 12
2) When deleting the text of a paragraph in the reference list, the
cross reference number returns to font size 12, but inserting/typing
any character in the area of that paragraph returns the reference
number size to 10.

The old version of LibreOffice is used (rpm packages in CentOS
7). So a large number of hotkeys, unfortunately, do not work.
But I guess my question has nothing to do with CentOS at all.

PS. I don't work professionally with LibreOffice.


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