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On 26/09/2023 20:49, Chris J. wrote:

Thank you for your replies. Much appreciated. The fog my be beginning to lift.

Have another one.

I'm trying to create a Master Document. I did this once before. I'm beginning to think it only 
worked because I was having really a good day. I'm following the directions at

This may be contributing to the problem.

Step 2: Where is this Text supposed to go, in the Navigator box or the document?

Step 3 adding a file: I'm assuming this refers to the Navigator Insert left pointing arrow. I click 
and hold, nothing happens. If I click on the arrow's associated drop down next to it a four line 
menu drops but all entries are dimmed out. Trying the line that says file of course does nothing.

What am I doing wrong?

When you create a new master doc, you have a blank page. What the instruction indicates is that the 
navigator should be showing just a single TEXT entry.  I just checked, and that is what it says.

Now write something in that blank doc that is text. Then you should modify that text style to 
correspond with what you're using in your sub-docs so that when they're imported, they 
automatically use the correct style.

Step 3: I just tried and it works as advertised.  Click and hold the insert icon and you see it 
gets focus. Or you can just click the little arrow to get the drop down menu. A small box displays 
with options: Index, file, new doc, text.  Select 'file'. An 'Insert' dialog box opens and you can 
navigate to the sub-doc you want and then click 'Insert'.  The sub-doc is inserted into the master 
doc and an entry appears in the navigator.


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