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You can activate the footer in the page style. If you then go in the
footer area and insert the page number where you want it (there are
also some tab stops on the left, in the middle, and on the right of the
page which can help you position your page number easily).

As far as having to change every chapter (document), I am assuming you
used master and sub-documents. I am unfortunately not really familiar
with how to use them so I can't help you much on that front. It would
make sense that if you were to enable the footer while in the master
document it would enable it in all chapters, but I really don not know.

I hope this helps.
Le lundi 25 septembre 2023 à 14:02 -0400, Chris J. a écrit :

Whole book, each chapter is a file. No page numbers. My bad.

Without going through each and every page, is there a way to
headers and footers on every page with the requisite page numbers and
whatever else throughout a chapter. I realize I will likely need to
this one chapter at a time.

I suspect this has something to do with a style sheet. I'm unclear
to propagate throughout the document after the fact of the document's
creation, i.e. I've already written the book.

Also, If I manage this miracle. will the chapter numbers be properly
sequenced if I concatenate all the chapters. That would really be
I'll be doing that manually in LO Writer using cut-n-paste unless 
there's a better more automated way.

Thank you.


Chris Johnson
Ex SysAdmin, now, writer        /No prize is worth attaining if you
can never 
share it, there would be no point.
/(Ernest Littlefield, Stargate: SG-1)

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