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Am 09.09.2023 um 12:55 schrieb Philip Jackson:
I don't use the tabbed bar user interface but I've just given it a try to see where your problem could be.

What I found is that the insert - hyperlink works exactly the same. You highlight the entry you wish to turn into a link. You click either the hyperlink icon or Insert > hyperlink and that opens the hyperlink dialog box. Inside this box, you click on the third icon on the left hand side, 'Document', and in the main pane of the hyperlink box, you'll see the 'Target in Document' section. At the far right end, level with the 'target' entry box, click on the icon.

This opens a 'Target in Document' dialogue box where you'll see a list of entries. Near the bottom is 'Bookmarks' which when clicked on will show a drop down list of all the bookmarks you have created (using the names you gave to each bookmark). Select the one you need, click Apply and then Close. The focus returns to the Hyperlink box where you'll see the name of your bookmark in the target box. Click apply and close and it's 'job done.'

No need to go trying to change tabs.

Now my problem is to get back to my standard gui appearance and I can't find the View>User interface in the tabbed view !!  Oh well !!


On 08/09/2023 23:19, Karen Sullivan wrote:
created a bookmark.
Tried to create a hyperlink

Got through the first part (I think)

    - Select the link or put the cursor on page 2 (where you want to reach
    when clicking from page 1).
    - While keeping the cursor in that section from the menu, open Insert >     Bookmark. Alternatively, if you use the Tabbed Bar style, click Bookmark
    from Insert Tab.
    - In the Bookmark dialog, give the name of your bookmark. For example,
    section A – page 2. And click Insert.
    - Open the Bookmark window again to verify whether it is created

For the hyperlink part, I selected insert-->hyperlink and that worked. But,
when I tried to select insert-->tab, I could not see the tab option in
insert (the last option is Header / Footer). Tried the shortcut (CTRL-TAB)
with no joy. Moved the taskbar to the side to see all menu options (this
has worked before), no joy.

Went to entered "How do I see all options in a
drop-down menu" under new topics (using English, Writer)

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