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Perhaps this will help you?

I am also looking for a way to deploy configuration with xml files for a lot of users.

Kind regards

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: John Kaufmann <> 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 7. September 2023 13:03
Betreff: Re: [libreoffice-users] Labels and Business Cards: where are user definitions stored?

On 2023-09-07 04:37, Regina Henschel wrote:
John Kaufmann schrieb am 07.09.2023 um 05:33:
Under Writer, Labels and Business Cards are substantially identical functions: a page array of 
frames (optionally linked?) to serve as containers for printable data (text or images). [For 
labels, the data are typically (though not necessarily) entered via fields defined from a 
database.] Though these forms might be regarded as templates, they are not under the Templates 
manager. For several reasons, it would be nice to manage them more effectively, as a forms 
library. I would elaborate the reasons, but don't want to lengthen this post before getting to 
some basic information, like: Where are these definitions stored?
When you save them with "Save" on the "Format" tab of the wizard, you get a node in the 
<item oor:path="/org.openoffice.Office.Labels/Manufacturer">
   <node oor:name="Regina" oor:op="replace">
     <node oor:name="Label0" oor:op="replace">
       <prop oor:name="Name" oor:op="fuse">
       <prop oor:name="Measure" oor:op="fuse"> 
Thank you. Once again you read the lengthy question carefully and reply precisely on point; that is 
a gift.
I found your pointer to the documentation on the registry, and much other 
good background. It is somewhat reassuring that these definitions are also regarded as a kind of 
template, even if not managed under the Templates manager.

I had noticed registrymodifications.xcu when I made labels changes, but then discounted it, because 
it is rewritten every time LO closes. OTOH, pack\registrymodifications.pack always changes with 
labels definition changes, but not every time LO is used, so I thought registrymodifications.pack 
must be where the labels definitions are stored. Documentation on that relationship seems less 

This will obviously require study, and now I can see a couple more intermediate steps needed to get 
to my goal of a labels forms library. So must become yet another addition to my to-do list if I am 
to get anything else done today. Still, you have once again supplied the framework for that study, 
so I am once again in your debt.

Kind regards,

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