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This bug appeared beginning in version Since then there have been
82 releases of LibreOffice.  There have been 13 releases of 7.5 which was
when it was supposed to have been fixed.   Now 7.6 has been released.

Apparently, we are in the minority of the more than 200 million users of
LibreOffice for whom this is a problem.  I can only surmise the rest of 200
million users are only editing short 1 or 2 page documents so never
encounter the problem.

I wasn't aware of the SHIFT F5 workaround and wound up removing the distro
supplied version and installed from the Document Foundation's
download site. is the last version without the bug.

Would I prefer to use a more up to date version?  Absolutely!  But I
routinely edit documents of 100 pages or more and having to hunt down the
last edited location is a major problem.

Some day, when I don't have anything else to do, I'll set up another
computer and install the latest version to see if I can live with the
SHIFT-F5 work around.

Until then I'll stick with

On Sun, Jul 23, 2023 at 2:15 AM Thomas Blasejewicz <> wrote:

Good afternoon
I am sure, this question has been asked a million times.
When I open a document, the cursor is NOT in the position of the last edit.
In fact, it appears at random locations, different each time I open the

I have modified the user data section under tools, but that does not
change anything.
Deliberately editing the document at different locations, closing and
reopening it (same computer),
the cursor still pops up at totally unpredictable locations.
This happens apparently also with other (not created by me) documents.

Is there a smart trick, anything short of resetting the user profile?


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