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Well, we shall see. FWIW, I have no problem sending mail from my (non-gmail) ISP to any other gmail 
users (including myself and my wife and many list gmail users, so, on this list - but I doubt many 
have an mail server). I'm really curious about the answer.

On 2023-07-08 16:30, Harvey Nimmo wrote:
Just to be clear: the problem occurred when I sent any mail from my
(non-gmail) ISP to a gmail destination. All gmail destinations blocked
all emails from me. The rejection mail I received  told me to make an
SPF or DKIM entry at my ISP (similar to the text in Budge's post on
this). I did what was recommended in the rejection mail and the problem
disappeared. Apparently, Microsoft/outlook/google had made a change
that affected non-customers. My sister reported the same phenomenon
that was similarly corrected.


On Sat, 2023-07-08 at 16:01 -0400, John Kaufmann wrote:
On 2023-07-08 14:43, Harvey Nimmo wrote:

I had this problem with any email sent to a gmail account. ...
I doubt it's so simple, Harvey. I have no such problem with my own
gmail account (which has no server in the mix).
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