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Hi John,
I checked out the Google link on authentication and it seems that the problem probably lies with my 
ISP.  I have asked him to check the headers to find out if the problem is with him or further away. 
Will let you know what I learn.

On 07/07/2023 17:45, John Kaufmann wrote:
Your email has not been hacked. All of my (and presumably others') posts to the list in the last 
few days have returned that bounce from - probably a list subscriber. The 
first obvious curiosity about this is that it's a gmail address, but the bounce comes from, so it's not gmail bouncing the message; likely there's an interesting mail 
configuration issue -- and on the list side as well, since the bounce is returned to the poster 
rather than to the list.

As is the only list subscriber bouncing list mail, I wrote directly, to see if 
there is a response from my email address. It did NOT bounce, so the problem presumably lies in a 
list configuration interaction with that user's mail configuration. If there is a reply, I will of 
course report it.


On 2023-07-06 11:02, Budge wrote:

... something strange happened in the background when I first asked how to renew.
I had from the following message:-

* rejected your message to the following email addresses:*
Your message wasn't delivered because the recipient's email provider rejected it.

* gave this error:
This mail is unauthenticated, which poses a security risk to the sender and Gmail users, and has 
been blocked. The sender must authenticate with at least one of SPF or DKIM. For this message, DKIM 
checks did not pass and SPF check for [] did not pass with ip: 
[2a01:111:f400:7e8b::207]. The sender should visit for instructions on setting up 
authentication. p13-20020a056402074d00b0051bfa6da365si551974edy.585 - gsmtp

No idea why or what.  Whoever uses Outlook anyway but does it mean my mail has been hacked?

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