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Den sön 30 apr. 2023 kl 19:08 skrev Jonathan Allen <>:

Dear Harald,

I think they changed it to make it easier.
Double-click on a special character will insert it into the document.<
Yes, I read that.  But it doesn't make it easier - in fact it makes
it much more difficult.  Before I could single click on anything
between 1-10 (or more) characters in the character map, then click
'Insert' and the whole string was dropped neatly into my document.
Now I have to double click each character (and vowel-point/accent)
in turn, then re-enter Insert Special Character.  Not a clever choice.


Another option would be to use something like AutoKey (on Linux) or
AutoHotKey (on Windows) to type those characters for you, or if you use
Linux you can just use the Compose key (a lot of information about that
If you haven't heard of AutoKey or AutoHotKey, they make it possible to
create shortcuts to special characters and whole phrases. For instance you
could create a phrase with the ℃ character and insert it by typing degC or
something. I use both all the time (AutoKey at home and AutoHotKey at work,
since my job computer unfortunately only have Windows), and I find them
extremely useful for a lot of things.

The advantage of using Autokey or AutoHotKey is that you can insert your
special characters and phrases anywhere, not only in LibreOffice.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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