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Hi John;

I think what you are referring to used to be called the ASCII Extended Character Set.  This included characters that could be used to draw boxes and things on a screen or page.
You can find a listing of the codes here:

You could also find it in the MS Gothic font (if you are running Windows).  The characters are often towards the upper limit of the font codes.
Hope this helps.


Hi John,

John R. Sowden schrieb am 03.03.2023 um 21:23:
What is the name and location of a monospace font that includes the IBM line drawing set.
What is a "IBM line drawing set"? If that are some proprietary glyphs, 
you should not use them. Reader, who do not have the font, will not be 
able to read you document. Instead look at the Unicode charts, whether 
such symbols are included in Unicode and then look for a font, which 
covers that range.
Have a look at
Do you look for such characters?
If yes then "DejaVu Sans Mono" will likely work for you.

  I used it a lot for forms in WordStar/DOS and I want
to continue in LibreOffice.
If it is so old, then it is likely a bitmap font and LibreOffice 
cannot use it.
How do I install it?
That is outside of LibreOffice. Installing a font is done on level of 
your operating system. On Windows you will find "Install" in the 
context menu of the font file, for example.
Kind regards,

Carter Campbell
Technical Communications
Calgary Alberta

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