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I believe the first issue here is that I am not aware the method to use a base document as a back 
end and the same manner that you might contact say a different database using JDBC. So, I think you 
might need to use the API to manually manipulate the document which is very different than maybe 
writing macros inside the base document to connect to the actual database portion.

I think I said that very poorly, but I don't think you could use something like JDBC to access. 
Base is the big issue here.

And my opinion, if you are writing a web app and you intend to use Java, you might be better off 
with another database as your back end.

But now some others more experienced than I can weigh in.

I have however used base to access other backend databases then what is used internally to base. 
The back end database for internal based documents is HSQL I believe.

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On Feb 18, 2023, 7:11 PM, at 7:11 PM, Amn Ojee Uw <> wrote:
I was wondering if it would be possible to hookup a Java Web
I am working on to LibreOffice's Base back-end.
If it is possible, where can I find the API and a stand alone LO-Base?


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