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El vie, 03-02-2023 a las 20:23 +1000, Michael D. Setzer II escribió:
On 3 Feb 2023 at 12:20, Lee Thomas Stephen wrote:

From:                   Lee Thomas Stephen 
Date sent:              Fri, 3 Feb 2023 12:20:02 +0530
Subject:                [libreoffice-users] RPM upgrade 7.4 to 7.5
To:                     LibreOffice Users 


I have LibreOffice 7.4.5 installed via RPM installation on RHEL 8.7
I downloaded the RPM installation of LibreOffice 7.5.0.
but I am unable to do
dnf upgrade *.rpm
Think rpm -Uvh *.rpm
Is what you want to use.
The Libreoffice from the site installs differently than the 
one from the Fedora repos for me.

which libreoffice libreoffice7.4 

The office submenu then list both the repo version and 
the libreoffice versions of programs.

Haven't tried the 7.5 yet.


Additional notes:

The rpm command given must be used when in the directory with the LO
rpm or have a full path to that directory specified. The Redhad Package
Manager (rpm) simply installs from an accessible file as opposed to
downloading and installing from an external repository.

The duplication of LO results because the source is not a Fedora repo. 

I am a Mageia user unfamiliar with dnf (even though it is available as
an alternative package manager), but there is likely a way to add the
LO repo to your system so that it will automatically update from there
(if that is what you want). Michael may know how, or you can ask in the
Fedora forums or start with this:

I have not read carefully, but it should be a good start.


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