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said John Kaufmann:
| On 2022-11-27 18:45, RealNameTBA wrote:
| > ... [The problem is] this (as illustrated in the small attached
| > screenshot fragment): ...
| The first thing to be noted is that by now you are aware that the
attachment did not make it to this list. Sorry, that's just the state of
things, so it's necessary to be as descriptive as possible. To that end:
| > ... at the end of a line the writing jumps to the next line, not
| > hyphenating anything (which is fine) but just simply splitting words
| > in the middle. ...
| A little more descriptive: Is the splitting done such that the right
| ends of the line are aligned (or would be aligned with a monospace
| font), as if to put the same number of characters in each line?

No, it's not justified. But where a line runs out and the whole word jumps
to the next line, here it breaks in the middle of the word, no hyphen (and
I have hyphenation turned off) leaving as little as a single letter before
going to the next line. I do notice now that the offending documents seem
to believe they're Japanese, which they're not.

In the screenshot paragraph I sent, the word "what" is divided at
w, "surrender" at surre, "brave" at bra, "involuntarily" at involuntaril
(with only the y bumped to the next line), "there" at th, and "story" at
st. Very weird. Is there a way to assure that the application does not
take it upon itself to change countries?

| Saving the file as .ODT?  If not, in what format?  In what did you open
| it, that presented properly?

Created in LibreOffice Writer and saved as .doc. Opens and siaplays fine in
TextMaker, AbiWord, and Calligra, no issues.

Thanks for your help.

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