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At 16:30 01/10/2022 +0200, Martin Deppe wrote:
I am using libreoffice version and I have a - let me say - weird situation when copying text from one document with a header and a background image to another document without that. The background image AND even the header is copied along with it, which I definitely don't want or need. Has anybody an idea how to disable or get around this - for my sakes - strange behaviour without having to renew all format settings of that copied text when copying it unformatted?

Easy: use Edit | Paste Special... (or Ctrl+Shift+V) instead of normal Paste, and choose "Unformatted text" from the options in the Paste Special dialogue. Alternatively, you can use Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V, which pastes unformatted text directly. The text you paste will inherit the formatting of surrounding material.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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