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Okay, I did the same mistake again and sent my reply to the OP rather than
to the list. Once again sorry for that.
Now I intend to reply again, see below.

Den mån 15 aug. 2022 kl 00:01 skrev MR ZenWiz <>:

On Sun, Aug 14, 2022 at 6:14 AM Johnny Rosenberg <>
Den sön 14 aug. 2022 kl 03:47 skrev MR ZenWiz <>:
I've noticed recently that the way the Find (Edit->Find or ^F) feature
works in LO 7.2.7 is different - it treats the Find panel as a
separate window
Exactly what do you mean by that?
The main problem I noticed is that, when I find a target and click
over to modify it, I can't dismiss the Find panel without clickinginto
it again or clicking the red circle x on the left end.

Ctrl+f Esc works for me (first Ctrl+f to get back inside the Find toolbox,
then Esc to close it). I guess it takes a while to get used to, but at
least you don't have to touch the mouse.

<esc> only
works if it is the first thing I type after the find ( aor series of
finds using <cr> to go from one to the next).

It seems like Esc only works if the search field is selected, so that might
be a bug (or maybe there is another way to close the Find toolbox). A
workaround for that seems to be to hit Esc Ctrl+f Esc, so maybe a bit
annoying. It seems like I'm also able to backtab (Shift+⇥) to the search
field and then hit Esc to close it.

without actually giving you a separate window, and
won't let you do something else, like exit the search, without
dismissing the panel.
The Esc key works for me in LibreOffice Then Ctrl+f again to go
back to the search field. The panel is present all the time, if you with
”panel” are referring to the tool bar that becomes visible when hitting
Ctrl+f in the first place.

IIRC, <esc> does dismiss the panel at the bottom of the LO window, and
yes, ^F works to reissue the find.

It does allow an escape to dismiss the panel IFF the focus is still in
the panel and I'm not trying to do something outside the panel or have
already typed <alt><tab>.
Yes? And what does it not allow?
See above.

Am I alone in detesting this new "feature?" Am I wrong in seeing this
as new?
I like the old Find better, but I can't really see your the problem with
this one. Exactly what is it that you want to do that you can't do with the
current one? Sorry if I'm slow…
Again, see above. I like the old behavior much better - more
intuitively obvious, to say the least.

It makes getting out of the search more difficult than it used to be,
I can't remember that it was easier then hitting the Esc key in the
older versions.

Not so much easier as more obvious. Th epanel at the bottom of the
window is lss obtrusive and, thus, less obvious.

I guess there are pros and cons there and in the end a matter of taste.
Generally I personally prefer speed over ”user friendliness”, because you
are only a beginner for a short amount of time. The rest of the time you
want to do things quickly. However, in this case I guess the old Find was
just as quick as the new one.

without the (previous) actual sub-window that makes it clear (and easy
to dismiss) that I am not in the same place as outside the search.
I agree that the old find was better, but maybe a little redundant since
it was almost identical to Find & Replace (Ctrl+h).
The main thing I don't like with the current Find is that there are too
few options. For instance I can't make it search whole words. If I need to
do that, I have to use Find & Replace instead.
Agreed 100% - way too few options.

I use Word now for my book writing (because LO is still not even close
to 100% compatible).
Compatible with what? Some file format or what?
The horrid but almost universally used .docx format. Even using Word
for editing my documents, the LO versions look and behave slightly

Improving for every new version though, as far as I know (I'm not using
that format myself, except at work).

and converting them from .odt to .docx was a gruelling
effort - I wrote a book in LO that is 355 pages long, and converting
it to Word .docx format took me over a day to get right,and they don't
match. If I edit it with LO again, Word doesn't read it right.

Yes, as far as I know the OOXML ISO format is not easy to implement for
third party developers, and I guess the Microsoft people are very happy
with that.

wouldn't care, except that .odt is not universally recognized or
accepted by publishers, even Amazon, whereas .docx is.

That's the crazy thing, I think. I don't know anything about publishing,
but are publishers supposed to edit the files? If not, they should only
accept PDF, shouldn't they? But as I said, I guess I have no clue.

However, for almost all my spreadsheets and other writing, I prefer LO
because I'm used to it.
Me too, but mainly because I like it much better than every other
spreadsheet application I've ever used.


This "feature" drives me up the wall. It makes using "Find and
Replace" (^H) a more attractive option.
So use that instead, right? It's like a somewhat bloated version of the
old Find.

I'm planning to. Just need to remember ^H, not ^F (or maybe I'll
reconfigure the key combo...).

You can actually assign both Ctrl+f and Ctrl+h to the same command if you
want to.

Is it worth a bug or should I find a way to adapt?
If it's really important to you I guess it's worth a try, but I wouldn't
expect much of success in this case. They probably had good reasons to
change it in the first place, otherwise they wouldn't bother, and I'd guess
they are not too happy to change it back to the old one, but I'm just
guessing now…

That's pretty much what I thought.



Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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