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On 10/08/2022 02:55, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
Den tis 9 aug. 2022 kl 15:50 skrev Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) <>:

On 2022/08/09 14:53, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
Den tis 9 aug. 2022 kl 12:26 skrev Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)
< <>>:

     Hi Johnny,

     On 2022/08/08 22:19, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
      > Den mån 8 aug. 2022 kl 21:47 skrev Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC)
      > < <>
     < <>>>:
      >     Hi,
      >     Using LO Calc and I have a 28 column table RAW Data
     table in
      >     excess of 65k rows. A three column sample below:
      >     Date                            Simple Date
       Outdoor Temp
      >     2022-01-01T00:05:00+02:00       2022-01-01 00:05:00     17.5
      >     2022-01-01T00:00:00+02:00       2022-01-01 00:00:00     17.4
      > Are those dates numbers formatted as dates or just text?

     The Date column is formatted as number and the simplified Date is
     formatted as text.

     Is VLOOKUP fussy about the format of the cells it must search? I
     it is just matching a string of characters?

It's not fussy about the format, but rather about the actual value in
the cells, because if it's formatted as a date, it's really just a
number (0.0 = 1899-12-30 00:00:00 and so on....
The tab called Raw Data is actually a .csv import of an external file on
which I have no ability to determine how the columns are formatted.

How do you import your file?
What would be an example of a complete line in that CSV file?
Further to Johnny's question, how is the CSV delimited. Do you just have commas between values or are some values also quoted in " ". When I import a simple CSV using Sheet>Insert sheet from file I can set the simple date column as type date at import and using the MAXIFS solution proposed by Michael [ in my test =MAXIFS($C$2:$C$18,$B$2:$B$18,">="&G2,$B2:$B$18,"<"&(G2+1)) ] works well in a test. My understanding is that VLOOKUP only returns 1 value, rather than a vector from which to determine a date.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

As time progresses so I will download another .csv file and overwrite
the existing one with an updated file.

The bits that contain any formula will remain unchanged, apart from
having their ranges extended due to the additional rows added.

But I wonder about the other column that is formatted as text. What do
you mean by that?
I clicked on one of the cells in the Simple Date column and selected
'Format->Cell' and it returned that is how it was formatted.


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