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At 20:19 21/09/2020 +0100, Dave Howorth wrote:
On Mon, 21 Sep 2020 14:13:51 +0100 Brian Barker wrote:
At 06:00 21/09/2020 -0700, Gilles Noname wrote:
I need a keyboard shortcut to delete the current row. CTRL+- only works when 1) reaching for the mouse and 2) clicking on its ID number on the left-most column (1,2,3, ie. the "grey part")… which beats the point of keyboard shortcuts.
Ctrl+hyphen, R, Enter?
FWIW, on my system, CTRL+hyphen pops up a Delete 
Cells dialog, R does nothing and Enter causes 
the dialog to close while executing the first 
action - Shift cells up. LO
That's odd. Figure 36 in the Calc Guide 6.2 shows 
the Delete cells dialogue with the first letter 
of "rows" in "Delete entire row(s)" underlined. 
This means that pressing "R" *should* move the 
selection to this option. (Figure 16 in Calc Guide 6.4 shows the same.)
Brian Barker 

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