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Regina -

FWIW, I just tried it in LO under Debian Linux 10 and it worked as you said, without an error message, and with the very misleading appearance of the absolute path in LO (but with the relative path appearing in content.xml).
- Robert F.

On Sat, 19 Sep 2020, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi Dave,

I have now used an English UI, and now the correct fields. Open Hyperlink-dialog, click Document. Click "Open File" button at the ride side of the Document Path field.
I have tried with system open file dialog and with LO's own dialog. It works 
in both cases. Ctrl-click opens e.g. a linked .odt file in LibreOffice.
I work on Windows 10. What OS do you use? Perhaps there is an error in Linux?

Kind regards

DaveB schrieb am 19-Sep-20 um 23:22:
 On 19/09/2020 20:01, Robert Großkopf wrote:
 Hi Dave,

 I am trying to create a Writer document with a number of links to files
 in the same directory as the odt file itself. Using absolute paths
 everything works perfectly, but relative links (eg. file://
 always fail with a "not an *absolute* URL" error.
 The links will be saved als relative links in the file. Try to move the
 file to another folder - together with the other documents. It will work.

 Have a look in the *.odt-file in content.xml:
 <text:a xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="../LibreOffice/Bilder_gross.odt"
 will open the document Bilder_gross.odt, which is in a subfolder of the
 document I have created.

 For documents you could set in the further settings for a Hyperlink:
 Text: "My Document". Then there will be shown only the name "My
 Document" for the document. Not the absolute path to the file, which is
 saved only for the shown text in the document, not for the real path to
 the file. This information of the path is misleading.


 Hi Robert,

 Many thanks for taking the time to reply.

 If you look at my original post and my reply to Regina the odt file and
 the hyperlinked files are are already in the same directory, so I see no
 reason why moving them to another location would change anything.

 It really doesn't matter what appears in content.xml. The critical point
 is that keyboard Ctrl+click on the hyperlink in the odt file generates a
 "not an *absolute* URL" error.

 Sorry if I have misunderstood or misinterpreted the explanation you and
 Regina have kindly given, but I need to clearly explain this for
 inexperienced users in the next edition of the official LibreOffice
 Writer Guide.

 Kind Regards

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