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On 02/08/2020 13:24, Philip Jackson wrote:
On 01/08/2020 21:41, John Kaufmann wrote:
On 2020-08-01 12:24, Philip Jackson wrote:
I'm carrying out a minor rework on a book I wrote in Writer some 3 years' ago. The problem which is 
stumping me is that the field which displays the chapter name in the header of the right hand pages 
is missing on page 37.
Anything I do to reapply this field or edit the field in page 37 appears in all the other right 
hand page headers as well.

I can't see anything in the style spec of p37 that differs from any of the other right hand pages. 
I've tried deleting this page and reinserting but the problem gets inherited by the new page.
Did you try just clearing all direct (non-styled) formatting from that chapter name?
A quick note to close the problem - I never managed to understand exactly what was wrong with the 
document so I took the straightforward way out. I made a new template and copied the body text over 
as plain unformatted text (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V). After final reformatting, all is well with the new 


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