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Hi Brian,

On 2020-07-21 14:09, Brian Barker wrote:
At 01:16 21/07/2020 -0400, John Kaufmann wrote:
AutoCorrect had the effect of changing most non-empty "Default Style" paragraphs to "Text Body" style, with the rest chosen [by spacing hints?] to be "Hanging Indent", 
"Heading", "Heading 1", "List", "List 1", "Numbering 2" or "Text Body Indent". (Empty paragraphs remained "Default Style".)  That 
was a MUCH more elaborate and sophisticated AutoCorrect than I ever would have imagined.

You may or may not want all that to happen. If not, it is wise to use this technique first, before 
applying any other formatting. You can then choose to select all the text and apply a paragraph 
style of choice - Default, Text Body, or whatever.

As I said, I was surprised that AutoCorrect had the effect of sorting different plain text paragraphs into 
different paragraph styles. I would never have expected "AutoCorrect" to include a function so 
ambitious, and am still thinking about the implications. [What is the basis for assigning paragraphs to 
styles? Does this imply something reserved about certain styles, or are styles profiled (if so, how? - on 
what basis?) for this function?] The least one can say it that it's inarguably clever - and as a practical 
matter, cleaning up from that was not burdensome.

But, in time, I would love to know.  After all, every other AutoCorrect function is a product of 
explicit rules. I'm sure this is also, but have not had time to think about what those rules would 
be, and how they are built. [Just a couple days ago that I was thinking in terms of editors parsing 
on specific (low-ASCII) codes rather than XML statements. I'm still adjusting. ;-) ]


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