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Hi Dan, afraid that was checked. Note this is not a general effect, this
document doesn't show the tabs in the ruler, another does.

On 16/06/2020 03:34, Dan Lewis wrote:
Tools > Options > LibreOffice Writer > Formatting Aids > Tabs

You may not have this property checked. Other than that, it may depend
upon your OS. Tab stops appear in my horizontal ruler in,, and 7.0 Beta 1. All three are Debian and from the LibreOffice
website (pre-release versions).


On 6/14/20 20:09, Steve Edmonds wrote:
Thanks Dan, I have been doing this since the ruler is not showing the
tab stops, but each adjustment means adding a new tab and deleting the
old one. Much easier if I could just slide the tab in the ruler.

On 15/06/2020 11:44, Dan Lewis wrote:
If you were to open the paragraph style that you use for your text,
you would find several tabs (pages). One of them is labeled Tabs.
There you can define the tab positions that you desire.


On 6/14/20 19:17, Steve Edmonds wrote:
Hi, I could not see bugs listed so assume I am missing something.
Tab stops are not showing in the ruler in my document, if I copy/paste
the text to a new document they do show, in another similar document
they show, so I assume some how I have turned their display off.
How do
I turn them back on.

I am assuming there is no way to edit a tab position in the paragraph
dialogue, I'm adding a new tab, deleting the old tab, closing the
dialogue (there is no Apply button, just OK), checking the layout then
opening the paragraph dialogue again.


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