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On 06/14/2020 03:48 PM, Tony Arnold wrote:
On Sun, 2020-06-14 at 14:18 -0400, H wrote:
I have been running LibreOffice under CentOS 7 for several years and
am a satisfied user. I would, however, very much like to have the
ability to both import and export documents in the markdown-format,
preferable the CommonMark flavor which also handles tables.

When composing complex and/or long documents, I always use markdown
formatting in a text editor since that allows me to focus on the
content, not the layout which I don't touch until the document is
nearly finished.
I don't know about any plans for LO to support markdown, but there is a
MD editor called retext that will export to ODT files. Not sure if it
does everything you need, but may be worth checking out.

As I said, I already have an editor. My wish is to be able to import and export markdown files in 

By the way, please do not send replies to my private e-mail, I am a list member and do not need two 
copies. Thank you.

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