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I hope that once you have HSQLDB working, you will transfer eventually migrate to Firebird.
It has been far superior and and stable once I worked out the bugs.

Glad to help.

On 3/19/20 11:31 AM, bunk3m wrote:
Thank you Alex, Paulo and Drew.
I didn't realize there were so many "bugs" still to work out.
I'll stick with HSQLDB for now.
I trust there will eventually be a way to migrate to the new DB in the

On Thu, 19 Mar 2020 at 10:10, Alexander Thurgood <>

Le 19/03/2020 à 13:32, bunk3m a écrit :

I would only recommend using embedded Firebird if you're comfortable
with all of its still numerous bugs, and are happy to get your hands
dirty correcting data types, lengths, etc and possibly corrupted data.

Also, it is my understanding that there is currently still a limitation
of 64Kb for the total insert length of any transaction, meaning that you
have to be especially wary of the number, and length of any VARCHAR data
that you have in your spreadsheet.

If you have Unicode characters in any cell, you might also get an import
failure because these are coded over 4 bits per character, which can
rapidly cause the automatically created insert statement to exceed the
64KB limit, and again, fail.

My advice would be to stick to embedded HSQLDB until, or unless, you are
comfortable with such limitations.


Thank you Alex and Drew.
I'll try your suggestions today.
I appreciate your help!

One more question if I might.
If I understand correctly, HSQLDB is being replace by Firebird.  So I'd
like the engine to be Firebird so I don't end up with an issue in the
How does one know that Firebird is being used?

On Thu, 19 Mar 2020 at 05:52, Alexander Thurgood <>

Le 19/03/2020 à 01:57, bunk3m a écrit :

As Drew has said, you can use your existing flat file in several ways :

1) Go via the empty ODB file method to drag the linked XLSX sheet from
your first ODB file to the second, empty ODB file and then follow the
import wizard.

2) Create an empty ODB file and keep it open. Open your XLSX sheet
directly in LO Calc. Select all of the data including column headers,
that you want to import.
Drag and drop this selected data onto your open ODB.
Use the import wizard options to configure the way you want the data to
be imported into a new table that will be created as a result of the
drag and drop maneuver.

Be aware that the import wizard isn't perfect, depending on the version
of LO you are using, it might cause you a bit of grief, so double-check
afterwards that it has done what you wanted (within the confines of what
it can actually do, of course). You might find that some post-import
database alteration statements might be necessary.


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