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Base, as you have found out, is first just a front end to all manner of
data sources.

So, for what you want to do I would approach it thusly.

1st - create an empty Base file for whatever database I want to use. Just
the default embedded is an example.

2nd - create the Base file which connects to the xlsx file as the data
source. I take it you have that already.

Now with both open, with the mouse drag the table (the spread sheet data)
from the 2nd file to the 1st, dropping onto the Tables section.

This triggers the import dialog.

Hope that helps,


On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 8:58 PM bunk3m <> wrote:

Hello all.

I thought I had gotten the data from a flat file (xlsx) into Base.  I
was trying to import and create a new database.

My work requires my data to be in the company OneDrive.  When I try to
open the connected flat file, I get errors that the file location or
parameters are not OK.  So all the work I did is lost.  This is likely a
bug but I don't have time to report this at the moment.

Apparently I incorrectly used: "File:Connect to an existing database" as
that just appears to connect to the flat file but won't actually create
a proper table in Base.  While I can understand the use case for just
accessing a flat table, I'd like to import not just connect.

There has to be an easy way to import the data without having to
manually create a table and then import the csv file.  What am I missing?

I'm just trying to get data into Base easily.

LO v6.4.0.3 on Win10 64B.

Thanks in advance.

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