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At 18:02 25/12/2019 -0700, David S. Crampton wrote:
I expect that the technique of creating a Style for each sheet will work.
You'll pardon my giggling at "expect". This is the solution given on 
26 May 2011 earlier in the thread you reused and indeed in the 
documentation: "Headers and footers are assigned to a page style. You 
can define more than one page style for a spreadsheet and assign 
different page styles to different sheets." So yes: it does work.
As it was this afternoon I didn't have the moxo to work through the Edit Styles dialogs.
Your workaround was intelligent, of course, but probably took you 
longer than discovering how to create and apply separate page styles. 
Do get used to styles, as they are a powerful facility which repays 
the time spent learning about them (more so in text documents). Note 
that, in this case, you could use the "New Style from Selection" 
button in the Styles and Formatting dialogue to create a duplicate of 
your existing page style; you can then modify one style to create the 
different footers that you require.
Next month I will be asked to again update and publish this contact list. I will work with page styles first.

Brian Barker
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