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Brian and all,

I expect that the technique of creating a Style for each sheet will work. As
it was this afternoon I didn't have the moxo to work through the Edit Styles

You asked what my clumsy workaround was: OK, with some shyness... but it got
the job done by 3 pm!

Select Sheet1 with an already defined Print Area.  Check or make the Format
Page | Footer specify <Footer1>.  Print! In my case I printed to PDF.  PDF
looks good; save it as Sheet1.PDF

Now, the dufus: Return to the ODS; select Sheet2. Go to Format Page | Footer
and change the text to <Footer2>. Now again print to PDF. This will create
Sheet2.PDF.  Looks good.

Now, paying the monthly Adobe "Cloud" subscription I have available the
"Combine Pages" functionality.  Specify "Combine"; navigate and select the 2
PDF from above. Combine and it creates a "Binder1.PDF".  Examine, close,
rename as desired.

Next month I will be asked to again update and publish this contact list.  I
will work with page styles first.


David S. Crampton
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