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Hi all.

I'm having a bit of trouble with some slide transitions.

I've got 3 computers that all behave differently. They all run linux mint, with varying versions of LO installed.
When fed the exact same slide show, with my chosen "dissolve" or "fine 
dissolve" I find that:
1. on my 64-bit desktop machine (LO mint 18.3) the transition 
does the dissolve, but with a nasty flicker to a white screen. Other 
transitions are jerky. nvidia graphics
2. On my 32-bit lappy (LO version not to hand, but still mint 18.3) all 
works perfectly (intel graphics)
3. On a second 64-bit, freshly installed machine (LO 19.2), 
the "fade" transition is simply a sharp cut. Intel graphics of some 
sort. Some transitions do work, eg dissolve, push; some fail, eg fade, 
iris, cube)
I'd originally put #1 down to the driver, but it's as bad with either 
nvidia's X driver, or nouveau. #3 is bad, as this was to be my backup 
machine for a presentation next weekend, in case the (elderly) laptop 

I'm going to try to downgrade the LO6 to see if that helps, but meanwhile, any thoughts please?

(BTW the other working transitions aren't really appropriate for the particular environment. Otherwise they'd be a workround.)

Mike Scott (unet2 <at> [deletethis]
Harlow Essex England
"The only way is Brexit" -- anon.

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