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I suggest you check your system/keyboard settings to sort out the default
system settings. How you do this will depend on your system first not LibO
and the actual keyboard, language and brand. What operating system and
language are you using, and what keyboard setting is defined?

AltGr is controlled by your system KEYBOARD setting. Technically they are
called LEVEL 3 and LEVEL 4 (AltGr and SHIFT-ALtGr). Level 1 and 2 are
Lowercase and Shift. The settings depend on your keyboard, language and the
use of Keyboard-OPTIONS. The keyboard input is then handed over to the
application, in this case LibreOffice.

For example on my Keyboard set to English (UK) international, many of the
European accents, are set using the AltGr, for example ç é á Ç É Á and €
(the latter is dependant on the option settings).

I also have American-International,  Irish, German(Switzerland) as
alternative keyboard settings to test different settings for LibO, oh and
French(French).  They are controlled by the system.

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