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All my LO icons are missing but the buttons are there and work.

After various tests I found that configuring a new user, it works.

Replacing the .config/libreoffice/ in the new user did not change the new user IE it still worked.
The problem only seems to be with LO and other programs work OK.

After further reading it seems the problem is to do with Gnome3 integration but I cannot find any recent problems listed and do not know what/where to report it and what files are causing the problem and would appreciate some help in getting it resolved.
FYI I am running a fully updated Fedora 29 and have only installed 
programs from Fedora Repository.
I have seen info about "libreoffice -gnome" had cause the problem in the 
past but cannot find this for Fedora.
This problem has lasted for more than a month and no updates have 
removed the problem.

Peter H

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