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Not sure for 6.2 (I am currently using 6.1), but you can set the page
numbering like this:

- Insert Field -> Other fields -> Document Tab -> Select page and its
format on the right
- Styles -> Manage Styles -> Page Styles -> Select the current page
style, then right-click -> Modify -> Page Tab -> Page numbering

You can also edit the page style in your template to set it

File -> Templates -> Open Template -> Select your default template

And then change the default page style or all the page styles you will
use to get the proper numbering format.

I hope this helps.


Le lundi 18 février 2019 à 12:17 +0100, a écrit :
I know that I can set the page numbering format with a template, but is
there a way to set it globally? For 6.2 someone seems to have thought
it would be a good idea to have lower-case Roman numerals as the

I have looked at help . . . which was of no help.

(Perhaps I had it defined by template before as I had to redo my
profile when upgrading to 6.2 in order to get addons working properly.
This is the first time I have had to create a new profile that since
starting to use LO several years ago.)

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