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Den ons 2 jan. 2019 kl 12:03 skrev Heiko Tietze <>:

We have some places where the new palette handling is still missing [1].
Actually the task was way too hard for a GSoC student and we have some
minor regressions. I hope the benefit of the new workflow compensate for
it. Good news is that this issue got fixed recently [2] and it will be
included in the upcoming release 6.2. So please be patient one more month -
or download the release candidate [3].

Thanks! I'll patiently wait for it to arrive to my distribution (Manjaro).
It's usually not far behind.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg



On 01.01.19 22:58, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
Sorry for bothering everyone again, but I can't find how to add colours
the background colour palette. In older LibreOffice versions, or maybe it
was even Apache OpenOffice, I could add colours in Tools → Options… →
somewhere, but it seems to be removed. I miss quite a few colours in the
colour selection area in (right click a style) → Modify… → Background →
Background colour, so I want to add my own and give them names (other
”#15a3b7” or similar). I'm pretty sure I could do that in old versions,
I guess it's still possible in today's versions, I just seem to not being
able to figure out how… What am I missing here?

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

Dr. Heiko Tietze
UX designer
Tel. +49 (0)179/1268509

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